NATMO, a prestigious organisation towards nation building is witness of glorious past, prestigious present and promising future. But it is not exceptional without having its own struggles. There are some problem areas and challenges for this organisation too. To take off for a completely new direction new dimensions has been explored with new initiatives. Motivating own people, understanding of the surrounding scenario and moving to a promising direction with the guidance of our fosterers surely make the future path easy for NATMO. With Innovation, implementation and improvisation, NATMO always try to make its path on the direction to cater the people of different stratum of our society. On various occasion NATMO has worked together with different agencies, with the supervision of experts from various fields to define its role in nation building.

On this special occasion, it’s my privilege to bring our past present and future together to a common platform to realize, visualize and materialize the mission and vision of the pioneer mapping Organization. NATMO has been creating awareness about the multi dimensional socio-economic sectors which help in planning and development of the nation. NATMO has the largest repository of spatial and non-spatial data processed with great accuracy. With changing times, NATMO also keeps pace with the latest technologies like GIS, GPS and remote sensing.

NATMO started its journey way back in 1956 under the able leadership of Prof Shiba Prasad Chattopadhyay with the preparation of the first ever National Atlas of India (Bharat Rashtriya Atlas) in Hindi, which still remains one of the most coveted publications. NATMO has already published more than hundred atlases, more than five hundred thematic maps and nearly two hundred monographs. The organisation offers more than fifty different services, related to cartography. Agricultural atlas, Evironmental atlases, India ASEAN Archaeological Atlas, health and disease atlases, state atlases/maps, district planning map series, golden map service and tourist maps, maps of climatic regions, urban population, natural hazards, irrigation network— are all meticulously prepared and offered by NATMO for usage in different sectors. Recently published, India ASEAN Archaeological Atlas from Satellite Data in collaboration with GISTDA, Thailand is yet another milestone achievement in the area of international collaboration. NATMO is also pioneered in the art of map making for visually impaired persons, automatised Braille Mapping Unit with modern state of art technologies to comply the directives of the Hon’ble Minister.

Of late, the organisation is all set to embark itself on a complete digital platform synchronizing with the changing need and demands of the society and the nation as well. We are very proud to announce that web initiatives through the geo-portal to continue its exciting journey for providing unrestricted services and products to all users.

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